Get Back to the Sport You Love with Physical Therapy Treatments!

Did you know that according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, over 2 million high school athletes suffer from sports-related injuries annually? Additionally, 3.5 million kids under the age of 14 also receive treatment for sports-related injuries annually. This...

Are You Squatting Correctly? Find Out the Proper Form!

Squats are a common way to tone the legs and glutes while simultaneously toning the arms with added weights. There are some common rumors that float around about squats – “they’re bad for the knees,” “doing too many will create too much bulk,” “the weights are...

Stress-Related Headaches Getting You Down? Physical Therapy Can Help

Millions of people suffer from different types of headaches. A few include sinus headaches, hormone headaches, and migraines. Different types of stress can also play a role in causing headaches. In fact, stress-related headaches are considered one of the most common...