Focus on the Form: How to do a Correct Squat

Squats are seen as an essential exercise move by personal trainers, our physical therapist and gym fanatics all over the U.S. Regardless of your age, gender or fitness level, squats should definitely be part of your regular workout and physical therapy routine. While...

How a Nutritious Diet Can Improve Your Physical Performance

Nutrition strongly affects your physical performance, whether you’re a dedicated athlete, weekend warrior, or just trying to get out and exercise more. Your body does a lot throughout the day, and the food you supply it with helps it to function properly, whether...

6 Ways to Prevent Injuries While Strength Training

One of the most common pieces of advice given to people in strength training programs is simply to “not hurt yourself.” Whether it’s a recovery program from a previous injury or surgery, or you’re simply trying to improve your physical performance, it is a common...

High-Quality Protein: What is it and Why is it Important?

Protein is a necessary nutrient for maintaining high levels of physical function. If you’re a dedicated athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone who is simply trying to become more active, your protein intake plays a key role in your physical performance. There are many...